I don’t know about you guys, but here in the heart of the mid-west, February is kind of rough. Yes, there’s the warm and fuzzy holiday we call Valentine’s Day, but usually we get pounded with at least one good giant snow or ice storm.
This year we’ve had about four.
All that bad weather has given me a lot of time to think and pray about my writing career and everything that’s happening with it… or not happening with it.
I shared the bittersweet news with you not too long ago that two of my books will soon be out of print. As sad as that is, I’m determined to find a silver lining there. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that there is no such thing as a coincidence. (Maybe in some outlandish circumstance, but certainly not this one).
After a lot of prayer and consideration, I can tell you I plan to re-release An Angel in the Distance and it’s sequel, Angels in Darkness, both in ebook and paperback as soon as it is feasible – and I’ve worded it this way because it is feasible (more to come on that, but please know that it is in the works). With that will come a new cover design for each of these books (I can wait to share these! So excited!) and even an additional short story and/or preview of book three in the series.
Yes, you read that right.
There will be a book three.
As of right now, the plot is in bits and pieces (Google the Medici family and you’ll quickly see why there are bits and pieces – they’ve got more drama than 1960s Daytime). What I can tell you is the working title for book three in the series is Angels Among Us.
The Portraits of the Renaissance Series: An Angel in the Distance (book 1), Angels in Darkness (book 2), and Angels Among Us (book 3).
Doors have opened up that I can’t wait to tell you about, but in the meantime, be on the lookout for more updates about the re-release!