Storyteller at Heart
A. R. Conti Fulwell holds a Bachelor's Degree in English and Music, from Malone University, and a Master's Degree in Educational Technology from Walsh University, but her story-telling journey began long before her college years. Long ago, intrigued by the Medici chapel, surrounded by the paintings of Gentileschi, the writings of Castiglione and Machiavelli, and the architecture of Brunelleschi, she found herself fascinated by the art of historical fiction, she began fashioning her own tales after the greats - William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, T.S. Eliot, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Amanda resides in Northeast Ohio, and often shoots short-films within her hometown.
Writing stories with heart has been a labor of love since 2005. A. R. Conti Fulwell has written five novels, three of which are published - An Angel in the Distance (2015), When the Italian Came to Stay (2015), and Angels in Darkness (2019).

Angels in Darkness
Available Now
Darkness only lasts as long as the light allows.
Now Lord of Casatona, Signore Piero Catone does not take well to defeat. After the cloak and dagger trick Lina orchestrated in order to save the prince, Lorenzo de Medici, Piero is not giving up without a fight. Seeing Lina as the only light his life ever had, he sets out to woo a married woman, no matter who or what he tears down in the process. When his aggressive attempt to make Lina run away with him goes awry, Piero barely survives a two-story fall from the Medici Palace balcony. Caught in a coma between life and death, Piero must decide which is more important: fighting or forgiveness.
Fueled by anger and vengeance, Carità DelCuore is out for blood - Medici blood. Bitter and outraged over her father's unjust imprisonment for crimes he didn't commit, Carità finds herself in the right place at the right time as the real culprit falls off the Medici Palace balcony, practically into her lap. Doing everything she can to nurse the man back to help in order to get the answers she needs to free her father, Cartià is taken by the nameless man when he regains consciousness. Will she give her heart to a nameless man or will she seek revenge on the Medici's rendering an eye for an eye?

"What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."